
The Latest Entry Policies of Those Main Places in China

GICexpat 2022-03-21


14 days of centralized isolation observation, 7 days of community health testing. Six nucleic acid tests were performed during isolation observation and community health testing.

If the destination is Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces, after 3 days of centralized isolation in Shanghai, the inbound personnel will be transferred to local in a closed loop and continue to be isolated for 11 days.


14 day centralized isolation, 7 days home or centralized isolation, and then 7 days health monitoring after the expiration of the period, and do not go out.

Entry at other domestic ports: you can enter Beijing only after 21 days, and health testing is less than 7 days after entering Beijing.


14 days of centralized isolation + 7 days of centralized isolation + 7 days of home isolation. During the isolation period, inbound personnel need to collect nasopharyngeal swabs respectively on days 1, 4, 7 and 14 and carry out four nucleic acid tests.


14 days of centralized isolation observation, 7 days of home isolation + 7 days of home health monitoring.


Nanjing city

14 days of centralized isolation + 14 days of home isolation.

Tianjin city

Entry at Tianjin Port: 14 days of centralized isolation + 7 days of home isolation

Entry to Tianjin from other domestic ports: after 14 days of isolation at other ports, Tianjin personnel will be isolated at home for 7 days; Those who have entered Tianjin for more than 21 days but less than 28 days must provide a negative certificate of nucleic acid test within 3 days before arrival.

Zhejiang province

Implement 14 days of centralized isolation medical observation, 7 days of home health observation and 7 days of daily health monitoring.

Nucleic acid detection was carried out on days 1, 4, 7, 10 and 14 of the centralized isolation period, on days 2 and 7 of home health observation and on day 7 of daily health monitoring.

Hubei province

Entry from Hubei port: 14 days of centralized isolation medical observation, 2 nucleic acid tests and 1 antibody test are carried out; After the expiration of centralized isolation medical observation, 14 days of home medical observation shall be carried out, 2 nucleic acid detection shall be carried out.

Entry from non Hubei port: 14 days of centralized isolation medical observation in other provinces, 14 days home medical observation will continue for 14 days (calculated from the expiration of centralized isolation medical observation), during which nucleic acid detection will be carried out twice.

Heilongjiang province

14 day centralized isolation + 14 days home isolation.

Harbin city: 21 days of centralized isolation medical observation + 14 days of home isolation.


Jiangsu province

14 day centralized isolation + 14 days home isolation.

Shannxi province

21 day centralized isolation + 7 days home isolation.


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